
Saturday 2 May 2020

The Reality of Second Year

So second year is over abruptly. Though yes I am still online doing my work, we had to make a unexpected move out of the house and move back home. To me it feels like this year is over, learning is still going on but the rest of the uni experience is over and I am kind of sad about it.

Second year, the first year where grades actually count for something, which is sightly terrifying. This year overall has been a lot more fun but with a few more breakdowns and more stress. Yes, the end of second year was tough and frustrating, with strikes left right and centre and coronavirus everywhere, it wasn't the worst year ever. This year consisted of several breakdowns, over what I couldn't tell you (I have no clue), but my friends definitely are what made this year more enjoyable, even during social distancing. 

Going into second year I wasn't really that excited to delve back into the whole learning process after what felt like forever off, because let's be honest 4 months is a long time. Being used to only 6 weeks between summer and a new term, I was very rusty in the first few weeks to say the least. This time around it took a lot more effort to get my motivational juices flowing but they came eventually (I think). In second year the content tends to become more specialised towards your actual degree, everything is a bit less broad, and that is what I have really loved about second year. I love learning more about specific marine life rather than just general biology. So for me I had modules based around vertebrates, marine species physiology and behaviour and marine ecology. Ecology and marine vertebrates, is something I want to specialise in the future so I did love the modules this year.

Depending on your living situation you tend to live in a house in second year rather than halls, and this gives you a lot more comfort and freedom. Living with your friends and just chilling in front of the TV with mario kart is a lot more enjoyable than being stuck in a dingy box room, which is what is struggled with mentally last year. In second year you feel more at home, you aren't really adjusting to university life anymore. Though stress and anxiety may be on the up, with an increased work load and pressure to get good grades that actually have to go towards your final grade. That along with starting to some what choose dissertation topics and the looming final year of university just around the corner, can be quite daunting (unless like me you are thinking of a masters to put of the impending doom of adult hood). This to me is slightly terrifying as, if I am honest, I am a perfectionist and this year has not been going too perfect grades wise, but I am hoping to pull it back in the online exams.

Overall learning gets harder, exams are tougher and overall motivation may be lacking in second year. However, the overall university experience in my opinion gets better. Do not revise too hard and make sure you have time to spend with your friends, have fun because it is nearly all over. I think my second year experience, like many others, is one that hopefully will not be repeated. Next year will hopefully be a little bit more on the normal front but I have no doubt it will bring another tonne of stress to add to my pile.

Around a year ago I posted my reality of first year of university, so if you are starting university next year and want to read it click here

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