A happy body = a happy mind, or so they say. Truth be told until recently I myself wasn't the healthiest of people, however I have made small changes to my lifestyle that I feel have made a big difference to me.
1. Eat healthier
It doesn't have to be salad after salad, followed by fruit and water. Have fun with it. I personally love fruit and switched up my snacks of biscuits previous to a large bowl full of fruits. Experimenting and finding new foods is the beauty of this, I have recently kindled a love for quinoa, sushi, avocado and rye bread since making these changes. There are so many food options waiting for discovery and if you're stuck for ideas places like pinterest offer amazing recipes.
2. Exercise little and often
If you're like me and in no way could run for Britain, then using the method of exercising little bits but often is a great alternative. Doing cardio interval training helps to pace you out and improves your stamina. Other methods are things such as pilaties or yoga, they offer moderate exercises that help to tone up your body and improve your over all fitness level. I personally prefer to work out at home because the gym is a little out of my price range and this way I can do what I want where I want. I try to work out 4 times or more a week but that can vary to half an hour to just 10 minutes, it all counts.
3. Don't cut out everything
What's mainly associated with being healthy is 'low fat' and 'low carb'. When in fact everything is good for you in moderation and those elements shouldn't be eliminated from your diet. To achieve a healthy diet you must eat a substantial amount of each food group in correct portions. It's commonly misunderstood that restricting is a method to being healthy but this isn't the case and you should simply nourish your body with good foods that are high protein and low in saturated fats and unnatural sugars.
4. Treat yourself
It can seem odd saying to yourself "I'll just have one slice of cake" when you're on a health kick, when in fact if you were to completely cut out all foods you love from your diet you will end up craving them more and may end up binging on them. Treating yourself little on those treat foods you love can help subdue those cravings and over time you'll become used to it. In all honesty I wouldn't cope without a little bit of chocolate now and then.
5. Take time for yourself
A simple step that can make all this difference. Taking time to yourself in the day whether it be in the bath or painting your nails can help you reconnect with yourself and you will have time to think.